I'll be caught up on 1&2 in time to enjoy 3. This I swear.

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you got plenty of time. probably going to take us over a year to finish the last book 4

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I'm working through my unread Marvel omnibuses, but like to punctuate those with solid indie stuff. Bird King is on my 'tweener shortlist after Gypsy.

We keep you in high company around these parts!

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Freedman

As a consumer/reader, I love completion. I treasure the ending/payoff more than the journey, though I'm also not a binge-watcher or speed reader - the journey of a good story is still something to be cherished as well. I just think endings are the morre difficult feat, and having grown up in an era of never-ending serial storytelling that is never meant to complete and is often rushed to an ending whenever it stops making money, it's proven a rare and elusive treasure, especially when it satisfies. I don't want things to go on forever. Because there's no chance in hell I'll continue to like it indefinitely. I want to savor the thing as a well-contructed work with a finite vision and scope.

That said, I think the journey as a creator is a very different thing. There's a natural come down from the high of creating. No different than coming home from a theme park as a kid, or the early days of a whirlwind romance and then you go back to the day job for a week. These are incredible experiences that unexpectedly cause us to reflect negatively on our lives - like what the fuck are we doing with them? Do we even like our life outside of that incredible experience? Did we just peak? Was that peak even any good? And we have to keep trucking along regardless of not having the answers to any of that.

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I agree on completing books and series as a reader. I just crushed Hyperion Cantos book 3: Endymion (600+ pages in a week) and jumped straight into book 4 (730 pages). I am very eager to complete this series and will be buying myself a cupcake to celebrate finishing 2000 pages of Dan Simmons sci fi epic. That all being said, I'm still sad I finished my own book ;)

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Mar 26Liked by Daniel Freedman

Oh, man, Book 4 is AMAZING. It doesn't fully come together until the FINAL-final pages. But it 100% does before that final page is turned. Another series I compare to that quartet in terms of pure satisfaction is Tad Williams' OTHERLAND. If you've never read, you absolutely must. It's almost 3500 pages all told, but sooooo worth it.

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Also might need to do an episode of “Wine and… Hyperion cantos” I’ve got a few thoughts about this tome so far

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So down for that. Let's touch base when you're near the end and we'll get something on the books (hardy har)

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ill add it to the pile

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